5 years of Blockchain development: My career story

Everyone have their journey, like a star has been draw in the sky. I have one too, it’s in Blockchain development field and hope so it will shine your way if you want to get into this field.

Welcome to my nostalgic.

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Security smart contract - Chapter 6: Advance techniques

To make sure your smart contract is security enough, its should be break test to check if its strong enough, throw it to the water to make sure security from wet and burn it in the fire for heat-resistant. This topic will show you how to make it by using some advance techniques like static analysis, fuzz testing and symbolic execution.

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Security smart contract - Chapter 5: Simulator

There are several of hacks making millions of dollars lost in this Blockchain world. The reason come from the mistake of development. According to Rekt, we may know how that accident happen in overview way but for engineer, you must truly understand step by step how it’s going. This chapter, we will explore a useful tool to help us do that and so more.

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Security smart contract - Chapter 4: Maintain

After development phrase is go production time. Like other system development, maintainer is needed to make sure everything working smoothly in control. Actually, you don’t want to be exploit your bussiness by some MEV and don’t have any menthod to revert it. This chapter, we will find out some way to make it.

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Security smart contract - Chapter 3: External library

OpenZeppelin is a popular library of smart contract templates and tools that can help you build secure and reliable contracts more easily. While these resources can be valuable, it’s important to use them in a way that follows the KISS principle and keeps your code simple and easy to understand.

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Security smart contract - Chapter 2: Common vulnerability

When developing smart contracts, it’s important to be aware of common errors that can arise and potentially cause issues in the future. Some of these errors may seem minor or inconsequential at first but can have serious consequences over time if left unchecked.

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Security smart contract - Chapter 1: The way we code

In the past, we have warned about the perils of the dark forest and the risk of losing one’s hard-earned money in the unpredictable world of crypto. However, it’s not just your finances that are in danger - navigating the realm of crypto development can be equally treacherous. In this series, we will explore ways to safely traverse this mystical terrain and avoid the dangers that lurk in the shadows.

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Reforming the blog

It has been while since I last post something here. I have been busy with my work and other things. Now I recognize that my Blog has been not sorted out well. I have to reform it to make it more readable and easy to navigate.

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Open the world of Blockchain development - Chapter 5: Trustless (consensus)

Can you completely trust someone even though they are with you? Want but cannot, right? We are living in the world that most of situation is grey color, anyone or anything is your comrade today may turn in to your enemy tomorrow. Blockchain is a large system which was built by the community, how to make sure the last information set in Block is the truth?

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