Reforming the blog

It has been while since I last post something here. I have been busy with my work and other things. Now I recognize that my Blog has been not sorted out well. I have to reform it to make it more readable and easy to navigate.

1. What is the problem?

Because Blog is a place to share my knowledge, vision and feeling. At the end, wisdom is the most important thing that I want everyone to get from my Blog.

Below is explanation of process that I have been doing to write a Blog post.

2. How the things change?

My Blog has two type of sorted out: Tags and Categories.

Categories now will be used to sort out the Blog post what kind of knowledge that I want to share. Here is the list of Categories that I will use:

Tags will be used to sort out the Blog to predict what kind of skill you will get to match with each others. For example: A Post about Smart Contract but has tag IDO meaning that you will learn about how to do IDO with Smart Contract.

3. My vision

There are the things that I desire to do with my Blog that I will be recognized as a Blockchain expert in Vietnam or something similar.

Firstly, my Blog will be my personal note to “connect the dot” guide me to a new skill can be product. I will be able to write a Blog post about how to do something. Then I will be able to do it in real life to make it become wisdom.