5 years of Blockchain development: My career story

Everyone have their journey, like a star has been draw in the sky. I have one too, it’s in Blockchain development field and hope so it will shine your way if you want to get into this field.

Welcome to my nostalgic.

The beginning of doubt

The first year of Blockchain development is the last year of university

When I started get my first job as a Backend developer, I was a last year student in university. That time I started learn about life skill from EVOL (TGM Corp at that time) because now I have money from my salary, it is 2018. One of those course is Crypto investing so its give me a first impressive about Crypto or Blockchain. And I have a thinking that I should learn about it to take advantage of investing in it in the technical way. But that time is down trend of Bitcoin, a cold winter of Crypto.

At first, I just think why I don’t using Blockchain technology to apply it in my thesis graduation project. At that time, my company working on advertising field so I know some logic and problem in this field. After some research I think one of the best way to do it is follow the way that BAT done. The problem left is technology, I have no idea about it, so I asked my instructor, and he asked me using Hyperledger to do it because it is a trend at that time. Now, I know it is my mistake for choosing that technology because that way I follow BAT is the public way. But still somehow I am done it.

After that time, I learned so much about Blockchain basic and general concept but still feeling that I lack of real experience (because its all private Blockchain). So I decided to find a job in Blockchain field.

The second year, my first Blockchain company

After one year working as a Backend developer now I move to a Blockchain company with mostly same salary base to learn about Blockchain technology. Well, quite of disappointed well I not have a chance to working with Smart contract or building a chain core, but still I have chance to working with Wallet core and try out so many other wallet core architect to build our product. At the first month take part in company, I spend so much time on trading so be warning about maybe fire soon. After promise and try my best to learn and work. After next 3 month I now become the most core developer of wallet development to replace my manager for this product. I was learned so much about development especially on researching technology. Its a good base for me today.

Well working there was promising my skill at first because I need to research so much, before I only need to care about coding. After working for 6 months, now I have so many unsure about this company. Part of that is I mainly working around backend so its may not good for my decision to prepare enough skill for new uptrend of Crypto season. The other thing is product, though I don’t take part in, some major product of my company is Casino and Gambling. It’s make me unusure about the future of this company. So I decided to find a new job.

Well at that time, I like to working with another Blockchain technology but chance for me so touch. Beside of Kyber network and Tomochain at that time, not so much company have recruitment for Blockchain developer position. And salary also low, so I think about leave this field and just become another developer. So I back to Backend developer again.

The third year, leave Blockchain field then come back

After join some company and leave after trial done, I feel so tired and disappointed. That time, my idol in trading mr Long invite me to build exchange for him. Taking part in a trading team with 50% of salary as before, I want to learn more about market and hope it will help me to earn the money back later. The longer I stay, the more of my doubt be reality. Everyone include of mr Long be loss so much money in trading, he created community because to teaching trading technique but still most of his money earn in market from holding position not from trading. And I learn that everyone follow him, more or less be loss money. So I decided to leave this team and the main reason is he stop the trading exchange project.

After interview so many company include Backend and Blockchain position, now I am coming back to be Blockchain developer once more at the end of 2020.

Well, it was not smoothly like I hope. Never in my life I need to overtime every week for an extra Saturday. After 5 weeks, its like the trigger when I reject to onsite two weekend day at partner company and working remotely. Covid time happening and Hanoi restriction, everyone need to working remotely. On a working day, after work for a while and push code to gitlab. I found out that I cannot push the code to gitlab anymore then I found out that I cannot even use company’s email anymore. After socked, I realize that they fire me. It’s my first time for being fired, frustrated. After some chat with HR and fully understand the situation. I need to join another company for it.

The new page of my life

Well, after many first time, this time is the first time I worked for an opensource Blockchain company. Oh well, I never impress by opensource environment before but this time, I change my mind and be promoted to be a tech lead of a small Blockchain team. Because of opensource so its need to flexibility on Technology. I have many chance to learn new things and the most beautiful things this time is working to build a chain core. After learning how frustrated of an ideal building chain in Javascript, we switch to using Go and Rust then end up with Rust.

After working for around 6 month, my master at TGM corp (old) called for building a new technology company that build a social platform power by Blockchain. I am quite curious at this product and have some time to learn about it. After that I decided to join this company.

Two longs years and go on

This company is that most long time I spend for the company. Its look like I am quite old now and don’t have much passion on proof myself like before. This time I want to make something valuable and have a good impact to the world. So I still stay here to make at least one product that I can proud of. Well, the most problem is I am not so busy like others team because company just start cannot focus on Blockchain stuff. That time I have much time on learning as much as possible to fully understand Technology as well as business stuff. I have chance to try so much technology and security technique that I never have a chance to try before like Solana, Near, Avalanche, Aptos, … And building a full flow working stack of a technology on my own with OpenZeppelin Defender, Hardhat, Foundry, ….

This time is buidl market, so I wonder how things are going out there. For my opinions, the next blooming of Crypto market is SocialFi and Account Abstraction.

The future

Well its my secret. In Vietnamese, we always say that talk about the thing you will do for the future and its won’t let you pass. So at least from now, its the future stuff story.